Laser App Anywhere Browser Requirements

749 views March 13, 2018 March 16, 2018 0

System Requirements

Laser App Anywhere relies on modern web browsers and the newest W3C HTML5 standards.

Note: You can learn more about HTML5 here at a high level and here at a low level.


Supported Browsers

For security reasons, Laser App Software recommends keeping your browser and operating system up to the very latest version possible. The browsers listed below most likely have higher versions available since the time of this writing. Browser version may vary slightly across operating system platforms.

Laser App Anywhere is compatible with the following five browsers. The following minimum browser version requirements are also listed below, based on our testing. In some cases, there may be limited support in prior versions.

  • Chrome 25+
  • Firefox 15+
  • Opera 12.1+
  • Safari 5.1+
  • Internet Explorer 10+

If your browser is not one of the five above, and supports HTML5 fully, then that browser is likely to be compatible.

Note: Internet Explorer 11.x has become available to those running Windows 7 or higher and (for the first time) this version fully supports the HTML/CSS standards other browsers have been supporting for years. We HIGHLY recommend those using Internet Explorer upgrade to version 11.x for the best Anywhere experience.


Known Browser Issues

Internet Explorer 9.x – This browser technically supports some HTML5 standards, however, our development team and others have noted that canvas support is sporadic and buggy on lower end workstations, workstations with weak video cards, and windows virtual machines (guest operating systems). All IE users are encouraged to upgrade for free to IE 11.x (via Windows updates) which has vastly improved standards-based behavior.

Symptom: If you notice some pages not loading (looks like input controls are floating on a white background) this is probably the reason. If you insist on using Internet Explorer we highly recommend upgrading to 11.x for free.


Recommended Browsers

All five browsers, with the exception of Internet Explorer (versions < 11) have supported most of the HTML5 features Anywhere uses from several versions prior to those listed above. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses. That said, most of our developers use Firefox for the overall configurability, compatibility, and security it provides. Chrome is usually the second best option.


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