Modify Employees, Agents, or Carriers in XRAE

691 views October 30, 2017 March 18, 2024 0


XRAE administrative functionality is located under Settings in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Hover your mouse over System to select from various options, including User Profile, Agency Profile, Employees, Agents, and Carriers.

Add, Edit, or Remove Employees

Add an Employee

  1. Select Edit Employees from the System Settings drop down.

A page displays that lists all the employees in your database.

  1. Click the button under the search bar that says New Employee and fill out the required fields.

Once you click Save New User, a page displays where you can edit their user information and add/remove features to their profile.

Edit an Employee

  1. Click the Edit button to the right of a user’s name.
  2. Make any edits to their profile or abilities.
  3. Make sure to click the Save button when you are finished.

Remove an Employee

  1. To remove a user from having access to your database, click on the Edit button next to their name.
  2. Under Status Code, click the drop-down box and choose Inactive.
Add, Edit, or Remove Agents

Add an Agent

  1. Select Edit Agents from the System Settings drop down.

A page displays that lists all the agents in your database.

  1. Click the button under the search bar that says New Agent and fill out the required fields.
  2. Click Save New User.

A page displays where you can edit their user information and add/remove features to their profile.

Hint: If you have a large list of agents to upload, please contact XRAE Support (1-800-641-6557 and select “option 2”) and they will provide you with an Excel template to complete. Once you send it back to XRAE Support, it will be uploaded to your database.

Edit an Agent

  1. Click the Edit button next to the agent’s name.
  2. Make any edits to their profile or capabilities.
  3. Make sure to click the Save button when you are finished.

Remove an Agent

  1. To remove an agent from having access to your database, click the Edit button next to their name.
  2. Under Status Code, click the drop down box and choose Inactive.
  3. Make sure to click the Save button when you are finished.


Add, Edit, or Remove Carriers

Add a Carrier

  1. Select Edit Carriers from the System Settings drop down.

A list of current carriers displays. These are the carriers you can add to your list of carriers you email.

  1. Click the carrier’s name to add them, fill out the Contract number, and click Add New Contact to input the carrier’s quick quote email address.
Note: You can add multiple email addresses per carrier.
  1. Click Save to add the carrier and their email address.

Edit a Carrier

  1. Click the carrier’s name in the list.
  2. Edit the contact name and/or email address fields.
  3. Click the Save button to save the updated information.

Remove a Carrier

  1. Click the carrier’s name in the list.
  2. Click the Delete Carrier button at the bottom of the page.

Once you click that button, the carrier will be removed from your list.


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