Print and Hand Deliver a Document in DocFast

981 views May 8, 2017 April 7, 2020 3


As an Agent using DocFast, there may be times when you would like to print and hand deliver a document instead of e-Delivering the document, however, there are some important considerations that should be taken in this case.

Important Considerations

It is important to understand that when you elect to print and hand deliver a document within DocFast, you are opting out of the e-Delivery process. Once completed, this action cannot be undone and will extend the cycle time involved with delivering the document to the consumer and receiving the signed document. To print and hand deliver a document in DocFast, follow the steps below.

Note: Some carriers only allow the policy to be signed electronically. You will want to contact the carrier for their rules regarding submitting a policy with wet signature.


Access the Print and Hand Deliver Form

1. Log into DocFast. 2. From the DocFast Dashboard, find the correct case. 3. Choose one of the following two options to display the Print and Hand Deliver form.


Option 1

1. Select Print and Hand Deliver from the corresponding Action dropdown.


Option 2

1. Select the case’s Identification Number and click the More Details button to navigate to the Policy Details page.

Hint: If you received an email about a policy, you may also access the Policy Details page by clicking the link in the email.

2. From the Policy Details page, click the Action dropdown and choose Print and Hand Deliver.


Print and Hand Deliver

1. Once the Print and Hand Deliver form loads, click OK to complete the action.

Note: Once you choose to print the document, you are no longer able to electronically sign or deliver the document.

You will receive a confirmation that the action has been completed.



Video Tutorial




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